Purchases Help Young Musicians
Support Musicians

Sales of the original and vintage concert posters on this site support young musicians thanks to the generosity of the UltraSounds Collection, who own all of the original concert posters that we list and sell here.
RewindMemorabilia.com, which is operated by the Alternative Music Hall of Fame™ Foundation, is a not for profit organization that receives 25% of gross sales on each original poster sale from the UltraSounds Collection. The foundation allocates a large portion of the money from each poster to help fund mission work, which includes the Young Musicians Resource Center. The not for profit ranking organization’s acceptable and administrative costs are also paid from this 25%.
Young Musicians Resource Center:
- Legal & Contractual Advice From Music Attorneys
- Resources to Obtain Equipment, Instruments, Lessons, and Recording Studio Time
- Coordination of Mentoring From Industry Veterans
To learn more about the Alternative Music Hall of Fame™ Foundation, a program of CEDC, a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization that is dedicated to bettering humanity, please visit www.althall.org
Should you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out out us. Contact Us
Alternative Music Hall of Fame™ Foundation (Alt Hall™) a program of CEDC (501)(c)(3). COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (CEDC), a Nevada non profit corporation, and registered 501(C)(3) organization. Tax ID (EIN) 88-0306149.Alternative Music Hall of Fame a program of CEDC to better humanity since 1994, we are part of the "A Place For Everyone" suite of programs. CEDC also sponsors the Institute for Maximum Human Potential. The Institute for Maximum Human Potential (IMHP) is a human service and community economic development agency providing services to children in foster care, minors involved in the juvenile system, the learning disabled and families experiencing social, emotional and economically challenging issues.